Developers & Designers

Work better, together, with Handoff.

Automate your design token pipeline with fast transformation of Figma design into code.

Component settings

arrow down icon
arrow down icon
spacing icon
arrow down icon

Design decisions in Figma, try it out above.

Live component for QA and preview.


border-color: #0073E6


color: #fff


border-radius: 24px


padding: 16px 30px


font-size: 14px


background-color: #0073E6

Production-ready CSS mapped to component.

Design decisions in Figma, try it out above.

Live component for QA and preview.

Production-ready CSS mapped to component.

Realize the value of a design system, with Handoff

From Bootstrap and WordPress to GitHub Actions and Bitbucket Pipelines, Handoff is lightweight and agnostic, supporting fast adoption by the whole team.

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Stand up a fully functional design token pipeline with an optional design document library.

With Handoff, you will turn your Figma design system into a living resource that‘s always up-to-date. Handoff documents updates to your Figma designs, providing visibility and making communication better. Developers can be confident they have the most up-to-date information, saving time and frustration.

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Automate token extraction from any Figma file using Handoff‘s highly flexible schemas.

Give your designers the freedom to design. Handoff‘s built-in schemas have automated detection of Figma components. Using the Figma RestAPI, Handoff can read the existing component set, and propose a schema that describes the components. These schemas allow Handoff to generate meaningful tokens, detect component drift, and render documentation.

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Built for your workflow

Seamlessly integrate into your existing development workflow and tools with a composable, developer-first architecture.

Automatically capture design decisions, transform to code, and ship to any destination. Handoff produces a comprehensive token dictionary that can be used to generate a static web documentation app, ingested into a in-house/custom design document library, or transformed for Storybook (coming soon), and Notion (coming soon).

From Bootstrap and WordPress to GitHub Actions and Bitbucket Pipelines, Handoff is lightweight and agnostic, supporting fast adoption by the whole team.

Every team can automate mundane tasks with Handoff


Don‘t waste valuable time manually inspecting Figma files and design changes.

With Handoff, dev teams can focus on the best parts of code logic and optimization, with confidence that the front-end code will always be up-to-date and meet standards.


Stop worrying about design token management and how your design vision will be transformed into code.

With Handoff you‘ll see your design decisions come to life instantly. Get more time back to do what you love, design, by automating updates and maintenance of your design system. With Handoff you‘ll see your design decisions come to life instantly. Get more time back to do what you love, design, by automating updates and maintenance of your design system.

Project Managers

Launch and maintain projects with less effort and better quality.

With Handoff, you can accelerate onboarding of new resources and ensure all team members always have the current version of design standards and sources. Drastically reduce time spent on creating functional documentation and conducting front-end QA.

Brand Owners

Verify that brand standards are met across all surfaces.

With Handoff, you can ensure rapid deployment of brand updates in code, not just design. Keep your company‘s brand experience accurate and consistent at all touchpoints.

What business problems does it solve?

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Token management and design system automation

Quickly create a design document library with automated extraction of your design system components from Figma. Generate Figma design tokens and ship it to any destination in your development workflow.

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Onboard new developers, project managers

Get every new team member up to speed quickly. With immediate access to current documentation and code, projects can kick off without front-end design code inspection.

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Rebrands and M&A

Have design components at your fingertips and changes quickly scaled out. An automated design token pipeline simplifies rebrand projects by adapting design decisions in Figma into code, ensuring efficient implementation of new branding elements across all surfaces.

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New product or website launches

Don‘t start front-end from scratch with every new initiative. Accelerate any launch by automatically generating design tokens and design document libraries to your front-end code standards. Ongoing maintenance and updates for new components is made easy.

Handoff is Open Source

Handoff is Free and Open Source Software under the MIT license

We're big believers in a collaborative approach to the challenges of design token usage. We'd really love to hear your feedback!

Yes, Handoff is available as an MIT Licensed open source project.

Anyone with basic coding and Figma knowledge can get Handoff running in a few minutes. Project documentation and a step by step guide is available here.

No, the Handoff Figma Plugin is not required for token extraction. It can make it easier for designers to create specs for your component library. If you can also extract tokens directly from the REST API. For more details on how to do this see our documentation. (Links to documentation)

A single source of truth for your designs. It is a comprehensive collection of design standards and documentation around the look and usage of each component that makes up a brand’s design language.

A Design Document Library is a source of truth for designers and developers to reference design decisions as code standards, typically in the form of a web page with examples of brand styles, foundations and components.

Design tokens are a method for managing design properties and values across a design system.

Components are elements you can reuse across your designs. They help to create and manage consistent designs across projects.

Feel free to submit issues and questions on our Git Hub page here. If you are looking for professional services work related to this project, please visit .

Get Started

Handoff is an open-source solution that‘s free for all design and development teams to start working better, together.

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